Tuesday, January 27, 2009


The definition of expression is a feeling used without words. That’s why photography is important to me. It allows me to show people a different way of looking at things, a way that I see things.
That’s something that I enjoy showing, I mean its not everyday that you can tell people a story just by looking at a photo. Before I start taking my pictures I think of what were I want to see and try to make it happen.Out of all the photographers that I’ve seen or looked up the one that has impacted me the most is my grandpa. After he died in 2007, we had to clean out his house and we found a couple old cameras and tons of pictures that he took. My grandpa wasn’t famous for his work but the pictures he took were amazing and they impacted my photography. He took tons of pictures from many things like my moms wedding to pictures of my brothers and I growing up, but the photos that impacted me the most were the pictures he took when he was in the war. He would take pictures out of the window on the plane and he would capture some amazing shots.
With my final i wanted to show my fear of bridges and how they scare me. I used matte medium on all of my pictures. In the end it set my pictures up as a panarama style photo. I then framed my sets in long memory box frames.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

so far.....


Monday, January 12, 2009


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Winter Animoto Slideshow Number Two

Winter Animoto Slideshow.

Black and White

Here are some of my black and white digital prints.
I like some of them.
I used both of the black and white changing tools, i was a little picky when it came to making them black and white.